We supply the most comprehensive list of Bakeries in Canada. This database contains newest and updated information as of June 2023. Information is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file so it compatible with most business databases.
We have a database of 6712 bakeries from every province including commercial bakeries in Nova Scotia and retail bakeries in Saskatchewan. Using our database, it is possible to find a convenient bakery that can fulfill your requirements.
The table below is a breakdown of the number of businesses available in each Province and Postal Code, containing the actual count from the Bakeries Database.
Category | Category Count | Province | Province Count |
Bakeries | 5203 | AB | 618 |
Bakery Equipment | 111 | BC | 920 |
Bakery Supplies | 97 | MB | 178 |
Pastry Shops | 1273 | NB | 89 |
Pastry Wholesalers | 28 | NL | 52 |
NS | 181 | ||
NT | 5 | ||
NU | 1 | ||
ON | 2585 | ||
PE | 30 | ||
QC | 1467 | ||
SK | 103 | ||
YT | 8 | ||
Email Count | 695 | ||
Emails Missing | 6017 | ||
Phone Count | 6688 | ||
Fax Count | 382 | ||
Website Count | 3996 | ||
Address Count | 6028 | ||
Co-ordinates Count | 6018 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Category |
Business name |
Division |
Address |
Suburb |
Province |
Postcode |
Co-ordinates |
Phone |
Fax |
Tollfree |
Website |
Youtube |
Other Social |
How would this database benefit me?
The “Bakeries in Canada” list is a cost-effective and time-efficient solution to updating your contacts.
This database will benefit the following people:
Business owners
Directors of New Companies
Individuals Starting a New Business
Marketing Managers
Mailing Centres
Government Agencies
Party Planners
Wedding Planners
Cake Decorators
Pastry Chefs
Sales Assistants
Bakeries in Canada database would be useful to these industries:
Office Equipment Suppliers
Job Recruitment Agencies
Occupational Health and Safety Assessors
Office Supply Companies
Finance Companies
Advertising Providers
Computer Stores
Specialist Software Developers
Professional Wedding Planners
Event Organisers
Party Suppliers
Interior Design Businesses
Locksmiths and Trophy Manufacturers
Window Cleaning Businesses
Recycling and Eco Companies
Charities and Groups Promoting Awareness
You can download the database instantly from this website. Core List provides customers with protection and peace of mind, by supplying legally obtained public information. Trust Core List: The comprehensive and reliable Canadian database.
It's a great place so if your are...
It's a great place so if your are looking for a nice bakery with tasty food this is the right place. Thank you Core List
increases my number of clients.
I was able to track and nurture prospects and clients because of this Bakeries list. It obviously increases my number of clients.
Thumbs up
I purchased this Bakeries List so I can contact the best bakery with trained and expert baker. And fortunately I found one here in Montreal. Thanks so much.
great database
We got the Bakeries database to target future customers around Toronto area. Thanks.
I have found a great bakery in Toronto that serves gluten free baked goodies.