Below is the list of 26161 Dentists which is inclusive of all provinces ranging from Dentists in Quebec to British Columbia. The Dentists List is the quickest and easiest way of flourishing and maintaining your business contacts.
It contains the most updated information as of June 2023 and the file is delivered in Microsoft Excel file format. We bring together our information from public sources, such as business directories that are in both print and online. Depending on these sources make our list as reliable as those sources. This database reflects the most current Dentists List.
The table below is a breakdown of the number of businesses available in each Province and Postal Code, containing the actual count from the Dentists Database.
Category | Category Count | Province | Province Count |
Dental Clinics & Centres | 2598 | AB | 3154 |
Dental Equipment & Supplies | 317 | BC | 3878 |
Dental Hygienists | 350 | MB | 831 |
Dental Laboratories | 929 | NB | 445 |
Dental Practice Regulation | 11 | NL | 246 |
Dental Technicians | 29 | NS | 639 |
Dentists | 17748 | NT | 14 |
Denturists | 2292 | NU | 28 |
Emergency Dental Services | 343 | ON | 10621 |
Medical & Dental Plans | 64 | PE | 94 |
Medical & Dental X-Ray Laboratories | 637 | QC | 4271 |
Orthodontists | 659 | SK | 393 |
Pediatric Dentists | 184 | YT | 18 |
Email Count | 4300 | ||
Emails Missing | 21861 | ||
Phone Count | 26007 | ||
Fax Count | 5191 | ||
Website Count | 14617 | ||
Address Count | 24268 | ||
Co-ordinates Count | 24026 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Category |
Business name |
Division |
Address |
Suburb |
Province |
Postcode |
Co-ordinates |
Phone |
Fax |
Tollfree |
Website |
Youtube |
Other Social |
Which professionals will benefit from this list?
This list is helpful to numerous professionals however; here is just a small selection of people that will find the Dentists in Canada database useful.
- Directors of New Companies
- Marketing Managers
- Mailing Centres
- Government Agencies
- Individuals Starting a New Business
- Salespeople
- Business Owners
- Interior Designers
- Graphic Designers
- Web Designers
- Job Seekers
- Healthcare Professionals
- Dental Nurses
- Hygienists
- Dentists
- Sterile Technicians
- Suppliers of Dental Equipment
- Cleaners
- Managers of Hospitals
- Managers of Hotels
- Managers of Nursing and Residential Homes
- Graduates of Dentistry and Dental Nursing
Which industries will find this list valuable?
The Dentists in Canada database is useful to any industry if you are an innovative entrepreneur who recognises an opportunity. However, here is a selection of the type of industries who will benefit.
- Computer Stores
- Specialist Software Developers
- Finance Companies
- Advertising Providers
- Office Equipment Suppliers
- Job Recruitment Agencies
- Occupational Health and Safety Assessors
- Office Supply Companies
- Cleaning Companies
- Libraries and Archives
- Interior Design Firms
- Graphic and Web Design Firms
- Schools, Colleges and Universities
- Public and Private Hospitals
- Hotel and Leisure Industry
- Social Care
- Window Cleaning Businesses
- Recycling and Eco Companies
- Locksmiths and Trophy Manufacturers
- Charities and Groups Promoting Awareness
You can download the database instantly from this website.Core List provides customers with protection and peace of mind, by supplying legally obtained public information.Trust Core List: The comprehensive and reliable Canadian database.
Big thumbs up!
We we're able to increase our sales with the help of this database. Big thumbs up!
Thank you!
The list is full of information that we need. Ideal for marketing campaign.i am happy I found this site because i am building my own business here in Calgary.
It's worth the money!