Below is the list of 4533 Tilers from every province of Canada. This includes Tilers in Manitoba and Tilers in Alberta to Quebec City. Downloading our database will enable you to locate the best Tilers for your specific requirements.
This database reflects the most current Tilers List as of June 2023. Our information is kept up to date with the latest public records such as web and phone directories. We ensure we gather as much accessible information as possible. Information is supplied as a Microsoft Excel file so it compatible with most business databases.
The table below is a breakdown of the number of businesses available in each Province and Postal Code, containing the actual count from the Tilers Database.
Category | Category Count | Province | Province Count |
Ceramic Tile Dealers | 557 | AB | 337 |
Ceramic Tile Installers & Contractors | 1615 | BC | 588 |
Ceramic Tile Manufacturers & Distributors | 186 | MB | 81 |
Interlocking Stone | 587 | NB | 43 |
Natural Stone | 461 | NL | 26 |
Stonework Contractors | 208 | NS | 57 |
Tile Contractors & Dealers | 902 | NT | 3 |
Tile Manufacturers & Distributors | 17 | ON | 1423 |
PE | 9 | ||
QC | 765 | ||
SK | 30 | ||
YT | 3 | ||
Email Count | 532 | ||
Emails Missing | 4001 | ||
Phone Count | 4508 | ||
Fax Count | 577 | ||
Website Count | 2036 | ||
Address Count | 3056 | ||
Co-ordinates Count | 3105 |
The Columns of data included are as follows.
Category |
Business name |
Division |
Address |
Suburb |
Province |
Postcode |
Co-ordinates |
Phone |
Fax |
Tollfree |
Website |
Youtube |
Other Social |
Tilers In Canada Download
However, the professional uses one can take away from a downloadable list of tilers in Canada is even more significant. Use this list to help your telemarketing business interests establish a list of contacts that will help you to achieve your goals. If you have a mailing list, and you need to build a useful database of professional tilers in your area, this list is going to be hugely useful. Government agencies and business owners of all shapes and sizes can also take advantage of the myriad of uses that can be derived from this list.
If you have goods and services that you would like to market directly to tilers in Canada, consult this list, and you will find yourself with a decisive edge over most of your competitors. If your business deals in office equipment, office furniture, finances, advertising, computer equipment, or computer software, and you want to be able to mark these things (or anything else) to tilers in Canada, you’re going to love what this list is capable of.
Simply put, this list makes getting to the business at hand a good deal more straightforward. Rather than waste your valuable personal resources on building a database of tilers throughout Canada, you’re taking advantage of a software download that has already done the work for you. What could be simpler?
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